Web 3.0

Next-generation web applications in 3D.

Benefits of Web 3.0

Web 3.0 enables visual and scalable solutions for companies to secure their operations in the future. We build and implement solutions by using open standards that are not locked to specific software or formats. With Web 3.0, ownership and control of data and processes can be returned to the organization.

Below are just a few examples of the benefits of Web 3.0


Work intuitively with Web-based 3D applications and work visually with 3D models and environments for increased understanding directly on the web without having to install external software.


Keep your data within the organization and create a local cloud network. Let the organization's information, data and connected IoT devices talk to each other without the need of sending the data to third parties.

Internet of Things

Connect machines, processes and equipment to dynamically update the digital 3D models to optimize your business digital twin.

Linked data

Enables machines or devices to understand the meaning or "semantics" of information on the Web. This lays the groundwork for a considerable simplification of information exchange between systems and data integration and makes your organization ready for the future.

3D Web - Example

Web 3.0 is almost here and it will change the landscape of Spatial Computing. The ability to make more advanced 3D solutions directly on the web will reduce the need to build separate applications.

Laser scanned digital twin

Access point cloud data and easily share the organization's BIM data with employees.

Get started with Web 3.0

A few companies have started working towards Web 3.0 but most have not yet understood the possibilities that arise by systematically implementing solutions and working towards Web 3.0. Our long experience in Spatial Computing together with Our strong network allows us to create and implement visual future-proof digital products, services and processes with support for Web 3.0.